#include /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ double opp_cafe( double PAR, double chl, double mld, double lat, int yd, double aph_443, double adg_443, double bbp_443, double bbp_s, double sst ) { /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Description: Computes daily net primary production following the Carbon, Absorption, Fluorescence Euphotic-resolving (CAFE) model. For a full description of the model, please see: Silsbe, G.M., M.J. Behrenfeld, K.H. Halsey, A.J. Milligan, and T.K. Westberry. 2016. The CAFE model. A net production model for global ocean phytoplankton. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. doi: 10.1002/2016GB005521. Model inputs: PAR - Daily photosynthetic active radiation [mol photons m^-2 day^-1] chl - Chlorophyll concentration, NASA OCI algorithm [mg m^-3] mld - Mixed layer depth [m] lat - Latitude [Degrees, north positive] yd - Day of year aph_443 - Absorption due to phytoplankton at 443 nm, NASA GIOP algorithm [m-1] adg_443 - Absorption due to gelbstoff and detratial material at 443 nm, NASA GIOP model [m-1] bbp_443 - Particulate backscatter at 443 nm, NASA GIOP model [m-1] bbp_s - Backscattering spectral parameter for GIOP model [dimensionless] sst - Sea surface temperature [Degrees Celcuis] Modeling code below is divided into 10 steps: 1) Declare all local variables 2) Derive inherent optical properties (IOPs) at 10 nm increments from 400 to 700 nm 3) Calculate the amount of energy in the eupotic zone that is absorbed by phytoplankton 4) Derive the spectral attenunation coefficient and the attenuation coefficient of PAR 5) Derive conversion factor (Eu) that converts downwelling planar irradiance to scalar irradiance 6) Calculate the photoacclimation parameter (Ek) through depth 7) Scale Ek to a spectrally explicit parameter (KPUR) 8) Model the maximum quantum efficiency of net carbon fixation (phi_max) 9) If the mixed layer depth (MLD) is shallower than the euphotic depth, then apply scaling factor to phytoplankton absorption beneath the MLD and adjust the energy absorbed by phytoplankton. 10) Derive net phytoplankton production (NPP). 11) Dependent function that calculates the wavelength, salinity and temperature dependence of the backscattering of pure water. */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Step 1: Declare all local variables */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Function that calculates bbw as a function of wavelength, salinity and temperature */ double betasw_ZHH2009(double, double, double); int w; /* Wavelength step 10 nm between 400 and 700 nm */ int t; /* Time step, day is divided into 101 evenly spaced increments */ int z; /* Depth step, euphotic zone is divided into 101 evenly spaced increments */ /* Inherent Optical Properties*/ double aphi[31]; /* Absorption[wavelength] due to phytoplankton */ double a[31]; /* Total absorption[wavelength] */ double bb[31]; /* Total backscattering[wavelength] */ double bbw[31]; /* Backscattering of pure water[wavelength] */ /* Wavelength */ double wv[] = { 400, 410, 420, 430, 440, 450, 460, 470, 480, 490, 500, 510, 520, 530, 540, 550, 560, 570, 580, 590, 600, 610, 620, 630, 640, 650, 660, 670, 680, 690, 700 }; /* Absorption due to pure water[wavelength] */ double aw[] = { 0.00663, 0.00473, 0.00454, 0.00495, 0.00635, 0.00922, 0.00979, 0.0106, 0.0127, 0.015, 0.0204, 0.0325, 0.0409, 0.0434, 0.0474, 0.0565, 0.0619, 0.0695, 0.0896, 0.1351, 0.2224, 0.2644, 0.2755, 0.2916, 0.3108, 0.34, 0.41, 0.439, 0.465, 0.516, 0.624 }; /*Spectral shape of of aphi */ double A_Bricaud[] = { 0.0241, 0.0287, 0.0328, 0.0359, 0.0378, 0.0350, 0.0328, 0.0309, 0.0281, 0.0254, 0.0210, 0.0162, 0.0126, 0.0103, 0.0085, 0.0070, 0.0057, 0.0050, 0.0051, 0.0054, 0.0052, 0.0055, 0.0061, 0.0066, 0.0071, 0.0078, 0.0108, 0.0174, 0.0161, 0.0069, 0.0025 }; double E_Bricaud[] = { 0.6877, 0.6834, 0.6664, 0.6478, 0.6266, 0.5993, 0.5961, 0.5970, 0.5890, 0.6074, 0.6529, 0.7212, 0.7939, 0.8500, 0.9036, 0.9312, 0.9345, 0.9298, 0.8933, 0.8589, 0.8410, 0.8548, 0.8704, 0.8638, 0.8524, 0.8155, 0.8233, 0.8138, 0.8284, 0.9255, 1.0286 }; /* Spectral shape of PAR */ double PAR_spectrum[] = { 0.00227, 0.00218, 0.00239, 0.00189, 0.00297, 0.00348, 0.00345, 0.00344, 0.00373, 0.00377, 0.00362, 0.00364, 0.00360, 0.00367, 0.00354, 0.00368, 0.00354, 0.00357, 0.00363, 0.00332, 0.00358, 0.00357, 0.00359, 0.00340, 0.00350, 0.00332, 0.00342, 0.00347, 0.00342, 0.00290, 0.00314 }; /* Parameters related to euphotic zone*/ double decl; /* Solar declination [rads] */ double m0; /* Coefficient to calculate kd (Lee et al. 2005) [m-1] */ double DL; /* Daylength [day] */ double solzen; /* Solar zenith angle [rads] */ double kd[31]; /* Downwelling attenuation coefficient of irradiance [m-1] */ double zeu; /* Euphotic depth [m] */ double kdpar; /* Downwelling attenuation coefficient of PAR [m-1] */ /* Parameters related to light and absorbed photons through depth, time, and wavelength */ double tseq[101]; /* Fractional time of day */ double zseq[101]; /* Euphotic depth divided into 101 increments */ double delz; /* Depth of zseq (i.e. zeu/101) */ double absorbed_photons = 0.0; /* Absorbed photons calculated in Step 3 */ double PAR_noon[31]; /* PAR at solar noon[wavelength] [mol photons m-2 day-1 wv-] */ double AP_tzw[101][101][31]; /* Absorbed photons[depth, time, wavelength] */ double AP_tz[101][101]; /* Absorbed photons[depth, time] */ double AP_tz2[101][101]; /* Absorbed photons[depth, time] */ double AP_z[101]; /* Absorbed photons[depth] */ double AP_z2[101]; /* Absorbed photons[depth] */ double AP = {0.0}; /* Absorbed photons [mol m-2 day-1] */ double AP2 = {0.0}; /* Absorbed photons [mol m-2 day-1] */ double E_tzw[101][101][31]; /* Irradiance [depth, time, wavelength] */ double E_tz[101][101]; /* Irradiance [depth, time] */ double Eu; /* conversion factor (Eu) that converts downwelling planar irradiance to scalar irradiance */ /* Parameters related to derivation of Ek*/ double Ek[101]; /* Photoacclimation parameter[depth] (Behrenfeld et al. 2016) [mol m-2 day-1] */ double IML; /* Median irradiance in the mixed layer [umol m-2 day-1] */ double Eg; /* Growth irradiance at a specific depth */ double Eg_mld; /* Growth irradiance at a specific depth */ /* Parameters used to convert Ek into the spectrally explicit equivalent KPUR */ double KPUR[101]; /* Spectrally explicit Ek */ double numerator; /* Numerator to calculate spectral correction factor */ double denominator; /* Denominator to calculate spectral correction factor */ double mean_aphi = 0.0; /* Spectrally averaged absorption due to phytoplankton */ /* Parameters used to calculate the maximum quantum yield of net carbon fixation */ double phimax[101]; /* maximum quantum yield of net carbon fixation [mol C (mol photons)-1] */ double phirange[2] = {0.018, 0.030}; /* range of phimax values */ double Ekrange[2] = {150*0.086400, 10*0.0864}; /* relates phimax to Ek */ double slope; /* relates phimax to Ek */ double aphi_fact[101]; /* Parameter to increase aphi beneath the MLD */ /* Net primary production [mg C m-2 day-1] */ double NPP_tz[101][101] = {0.0}; double NPP_z[101] = {0.0}; double NPP = {0.0}; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Step 2: Derive IOPs at 10 nm increments from 400 to 700 nm */ /* Comment: Currently assume salinity is 32.5 ppmil */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ for ( w=0; w<31; w++ ){ bbw[w] = betasw_ZHH2009(wv[w], 32.5, sst) / 2; aphi[w] = aph_443 * A_Bricaud[w] * pow(chl, E_Bricaud[w]) / (0.03711 * pow(chl, 0.61479)); a[w] = aw[w] + aphi[w] + adg_443 * exp(-0.018 * (wv[w] - 443)); bb[w] = bbw[w] + bbp_443 * pow(443 / wv[w], bbp_s); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Step 3: Calculate Absorbed Energy */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ for (w=0; w<30; w++){ absorbed_photons += 0.5 * 10 * (PAR_spectrum[w+1] * aphi[w+1]/a[w+1] + PAR_spectrum[w] * aphi[w]/a[w]); } absorbed_photons *= PAR * 0.95; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Step 4: Derive Kd following Lee et al 2005, Eq. 11 and kdpar */ /* from Morel et al 2007, Eq. 9' */ /*---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ decl = 23.5 * cos (2 * M_PI * (yd - 172) / 365) * M_PI / 180; DL = -1 * tan(lat*M_PI/180) * tan(decl); if (DL > 1) {DL = 1;} /* Check for daylength less than 0 hours */ if (DL < -1) {DL = -1;} /* Check for daylength greater than 24 hours */ DL = acos(DL) / M_PI; /* Daylength in days */ solzen = 90 - asin (sin(lat*M_PI/180) * sin(decl) - cos(lat*M_PI/180) * cos(decl) * cos(M_PI)) * 180 / M_PI; m0 = sqrt((1 + 0.005 * solzen) * (1 + 0.005 * solzen)); /* absolute value */ for (w=0; w<31; w++){ kd[w] = m0 * a[w] + 4.18 * (1 - 0.52 * exp(-10.8 * a[w])) * bb[w]; } kdpar = 0.0665 + (0.874 * kd[9]) - (0.00121 / kd[9]); zeu = -1 * log (0.1 /(PAR * 0.95)) / kdpar; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Step 5: Derive conversion factor (Eu) that converts downwelling planar irradiance to scalar */ /* irradiance */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ for (t=0; t<101; t++){ //// tseq[t] = (double)t / 100; zseq[t] = (double)t / 100 * ceil(zeu); } for (t=0; t<51; t++){ tseq[t] = (double)t / 50; } delz = zseq[1] - zseq[0]; for (w=0; w<31; w++){ PAR_noon[w] = M_PI / 2 * PAR * 0.95 * PAR_spectrum[w]; } ////for (t=0; t<101; t++){ for (t=0; t<51; t++){ for (z=0; z<101; z++){ for (w=0; w<31; w++){ E_tzw[t][z][w] = PAR_noon[w] * sin(M_PI*tseq[t]) * exp(-1*kd[w]*zseq[z]); AP_tzw[t][z][w] = E_tzw[t][z][w] * aphi[w]; } } } /* Integrate E and AP through wavelength*/ for (z=0; z<101; z++){ //// for (t=0; t<101; t++){ for (t=0; t<51; t++){ E_tz[t][z] = 0.0; AP_tz[t][z] = 0.0; for (w=0; w<30; w++){ E_tz[t][z] += 10 * (E_tzw[t][z][w+1] + E_tzw[t][z][w])/2; AP_tz[t][z] += 10 * (AP_tzw[t][z][w+1] + AP_tzw[t][z][w])/2; } } } /* Integrate AP through time*/ for (z=0; z<101; z++){ AP_z[z] = 0.0; //// for (t=0; t<100; t++){ for (t=0; t<50; t++){ //// AP_z[z] += 0.01 * (AP_tz[t+1][z] + AP_tz[t][z])/2; AP_z[z] += 0.02 * (AP_tz[t+1][z] + AP_tz[t][z])/2; } } /* Integrate AP through depth*/ for (z=0; z<100; z++){ AP += delz * (AP_z[z] + AP_z[z+1])/2; } /* Derive Upwelling Irradiance, absorbed energy is from Section 3 */ Eu = absorbed_photons / AP; /* Multiply E_tz by Eu */ ////for (t=0; t<101; t++){ for (t=0; t<51; t++){ for (z=0; z<101; z++){ E_tz[t][z] *= Eu; AP_tz[t][z] *= Eu; } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Step 6: CALCULATE EK through depth (modified from Behrenfeld et al. 2016) */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IML = (PAR * 0.95 / (DL* 24)) * exp(-0.5 * kdpar * mld); for (z=0; z<101; z++){ Ek[z] = 19 * exp(0.038 * pow(PAR * 0.95 / (DL * 24), 0.45) / kdpar); if (Ek[z] < 10) {Ek[z] = 10;} } /* Modify Ek beneath the MLD */ if (mld < zeu){ Eg_mld = (PAR / DL) * exp(-1*kdpar*mld); for (z=0; z<101; z++){ Ek[z] *= (1 + exp(-0.15 * (0.95 * PAR / (DL * 24)))) / (1 + exp(-3 * IML)); if (zseq[z] > mld){ Eg = (PAR / DL) * exp(-1*kdpar*zseq[z]); Ek[z] = 10 + (Ek[z] - 10) / (Eg_mld - 0.1) * (Eg -0.1); } if (Ek[z] < 10) {Ek[z] = 10;} } } for (z=0; z<101; z++){ Ek[z] *= 0.0864; /* 0.0864 #Convert to mol photons/m2/day */ } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Step 7: Make Ek spectrally explicit (KPUR) using a spectral correction factor */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ for (w=0; w<31; w++){ mean_aphi += aphi[w]; } mean_aphi /= 31; for (z=0; z<101; z++){ numerator = 0.0; denominator = 0.0; for (w=0; w<30; w++){ //// numerator += 10 * 0.5 * (AP_tzw[49][z][w] + AP_tzw[49][z][w+1]); //// denominator += 10 * 0.5 * (E_tzw[49][z][w] + E_tzw[49][z][w+1]); numerator += 10 * 0.5 * (AP_tzw[24][z][w] + AP_tzw[24][z][w+1]); denominator += 10 * 0.5 * (E_tzw[24][z][w] + E_tzw[24][z][w+1]); } KPUR[z] = Ek[z] / (numerator / (denominator * mean_aphi) / 1.3); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Step 8: Calculate phimax as a function of Ek */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ slope = (phirange[1] - phirange[0]) / (Ekrange[1] - Ekrange[0]); for (z=0; z<101; z++){ phimax[z] = phirange[1] + (Ek[z] - Ekrange[1]) * slope; if (phimax[z] > phirange[1]) {phimax[z] = phirange[1];} if (phimax[z] < phirange[0]) {phimax[z] = phirange[0];} } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Step 9: Scale aphi beneath the MLD to Ek */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ( mld < zeu ) { for (z=0; z<101; z++){ if (zseq[z] > mld){ aphi_fact[z] = 1 + Ek[0]/Ek[z] * 0.15; } else { aphi_fact[z] = 1; } } /* Modify Irradiance and absorbed energy to account for any change to aphi */ ////for (t=0; t<101; t++){ for (t=0; t<51; t++){ for (w=0; w<31; w++){ AP_tzw[t][0][w] = E_tzw[t][0][w] * aphi[w]; } for (z=1; z<101; z++){ for (w=0; w<31; w++){ a[w] = aw[w] + aphi[w] * aphi_fact[z] + adg_443 * exp(-0.018 * (wv[w] - 443)); kd[w] = m0 * a[w] + 4.18 * (1 - 0.52 * exp(-10.8 * a[w])) * bb[w]; E_tzw[t][z][w] = E_tzw[t][z-1][w] * exp(-1*kd[w]*delz); AP_tzw[t][z][w] = E_tzw[t][z][w] * aphi[w] * aphi_fact[z]; } } } /* Integrate AP through wavelength and multiply by Eu*/ for (z=0; z<101; z++){ //// for (t=0; t<101; t++){ for (t=0; t<51; t++){ AP_tz2[t][z] = 0.0; for (w=0; w<30; w++){ AP_tz2[t][z] += 10 * (AP_tzw[t][z][w+1] + AP_tzw[t][z][w])/2; } AP_tz2[t][z] *= Eu; } } } else { for (z=0; z<101; z++){ //// for (t=0; t<101; t++){ for (t=0; t<51; t++){ AP_tz2[t][z] = AP_tz[t][z]; } } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Step 10: CALCULATE NPP */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ////for (t=0; t<101; t++){ for (t=0; t<51; t++){ for (z=0; z<101; z++){ NPP_tz[t][z] = phimax[z] * AP_tz2[t][z] * tanh(KPUR[z] / E_tz[t][z]) * 12000; } } /* Integrate NPP through time */ for (z=0; z<101; z++){ NPP_z[z] = 0.0; AP_z2[z] = 0.0; //// for (t=0; t<100; t++){ for (t=0; t<50; t++){ //// NPP_z[z] += 0.01 * (NPP_tz[t+1][z] + NPP_tz[t][z])/2; NPP_z[z] += 0.02 * (NPP_tz[t+1][z] + NPP_tz[t][z])/2; AP_z2[z] += 0.02 * (AP_tz2[t+1][z] + AP_tz2[t][z])/2; } } /* Integrate NPP through depth */ NPP = 0.0; AP2 = 0.0; for (z=0; z<100; z++){ NPP += delz * (NPP_z[z] + NPP_z[z+1])/2; AP2 += delz * (AP_z2[z] + AP_z2[z+1])/2; } return NPP; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Step 11: dependent function */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ double betasw_ZHH2009 (double lambda, double S, double Tc){ /* function [theta,betasw,bsw,beta90sw]= betasw_ZHH2009(lambda,S,Tc,delta) Scattering by pure seawater: Effect of salinity Xiaodong Zhang, Lianbo Hu, and Ming-Xia He, Optics Express, 2009 lambda (nm): wavelength Tc: temperature in degree Celsius, must be a scalar S: salinity, must be scalar delta: depolarization ratio, if not provided, default = 0.039 will be used. betasw: volume scattering at angles defined by theta. Its size is [x y], where x is the number of angles (x = length(theta)) and y is the number of wavelengths in lambda (y = length(lambda)) beta90sw: volume scattering at 90 degree. Its size is [1 y] bw: total scattering coefficient. Its size is [1 y] for backscattering coefficients, divide total scattering by 2 */ /* values of the constants */ double Na = 6.0221417930e23 ; /* Avogadro's constant */ double Kbz = 1.3806503e-23 ; /* Boltzmann constant */ double Tk = Tc + 273.15 ; /* Absolute tempearture */ double M0 = 18e-3; /* Molecular weigth of water in kg/mol */ double delta= 0.039; double rad[181]; double nsw; double dnds; double IsoComp; double density; double dlnawds; double DFRI; double beta_df; double flu_con; double beta_cf; double beta90sw; double bsw; double betasw; double n_air; double dnswds; int i; for (i=0; i<181; i++){ rad[i] = i * M_PI/180; /* angle in radian as a colum variable */ } /* nsw: absolute refractive index of seawater */ /* dnds: partial derivative of seawater refractive index w.r.t. salinity */ /* refractive index of air is from Ciddor (1996,Applied Optics) */ n_air = 1.0 + (5792105.0 / (238.0185 - 1 / pow(lambda / 1e3, 2)) + 167917.0 / (57.362 - 1 / pow(lambda/1e3,2))) /1e8; /* refractive index of seawater is from Quan and Fry (1994, Applied Optics) */ double n0 = 1.31405; double n1 = 1.779e-4 ; double n2 = -1.05e-6 ; double n3 = 1.6e-8 ; double n4 = -2.02e-6 ; double n5 = 15.868; double n6 = 0.01155; double n7 = -0.00423; double n8 = -4382 ; double n9 = 1.1455e6; /* pure seawater */ nsw = n0 + (n1 + n2 * Tc + n3 * pow(Tc, 2)) * S + n4 * pow(Tc, 2) + (n5+n6*S+n7*Tc)/ lambda + n8 / pow(lambda, 2) + n9 / pow(lambda, 3); nsw *= n_air; dnswds = (n1 + n2 * Tc + n3 * pow(Tc, 2) + n6 / lambda) * n_air; /* isothermal compressibility is from Lepple & Millero (1971,Deep Sea-Research), pages 10-11 The error ~ ?0.004e-6 bar-1 */ double kw; double Btw_cal; double Btw; double g0; double g1; double Ks; /* pure water secant bulk Millero (1980, Deep-sea Research) */ kw = 19652.21 + 148.4206 * Tc - 2.327105 * pow(Tc, 2) + 1.360477e-2 * pow(Tc, 3) - 5.155288e-5 * pow(Tc, 4); Btw_cal = 1/kw; /* isothermal compressibility from Kell sound measurement in pure water */ Btw = (50.88630 + 0.717582 * Tc + 0.7819867e-3 * pow(Tc, 2) + 31.62214e-6 * pow(Tc, 3) - 0.1323594e-6 * pow(Tc, 4) + 0.634575e-9 * pow(Tc, 5)) / (1 + 21.65928e-3 * Tc)*1e-6; /* seawater secant bulk */ g0 = 54.6746 - 0.603459 * Tc + 1.09987e-2 * pow(Tc, 2) - 6.167e-5 * pow(Tc, 3); g1 = 7.944e-2 + 1.6483e-2 * Tc - 5.3009e-4 * pow(Tc, 2); Ks = kw + g0 * S + g1 * pow(S, 1.5); /* calculate seawater isothermal compressibility from the secant bulk */ IsoComp = ( 1 / Ks * 1e-5); /* unit is pa */ /* density of water and seawater,unit is Kg/m3, from UNESCO,38,1981 density = density_sw(Tc, S);*/ double a0 = 8.24493e-1; double a1 = -4.0899e-3; double a2 = 7.6438e-5; double a3 = -8.2467e-7; double a4 = 5.3875e-9; double a5 = -5.72466e-3; double a6 = 1.02270e-4; double a7 = -1.6546e-6; double a8 = 4.8314e-4; double b0 = 999.842594; double b1 = 6.793952e-2; double b2 = -9.09529e-3; double b3 = 1.001685e-4; double b4 = -1.120083e-6; double b5 = 6.536332e-9; /* density for pure water */ density = b0 + b1 * Tc + b2 * pow(Tc, 2) + b3 * pow(Tc, 3) + b4 * pow(Tc, 4) + b5 * pow(Tc, 5); /* density for pure seawater */ density += (( a0 + a1 * Tc + a2 * pow(Tc, 2) + a3 * pow(Tc, 3) + a4 * pow(Tc, 4)) * S + ( a5 + a6 * Tc + a7 * pow(Tc, 2)) * pow(S, 1.5) + a8 * pow(S, 2)); /* water activity data of seawater is from Millero and Leung (1976,American Journal of Science,276,1035-1077). Table 19 was reproduced using Eq.(14,22,23,88,107) then were fitted to polynominal equation. dlnawds is partial derivative of natural logarithm of water activity w.r.t.salinity */ dlnawds = (-5.58651e-4 + 2.40452e-7 * Tc -3.12165e-9 * pow(Tc, 2) + 2.40808e-11 * pow(Tc, 3)) + 1.5*(1.79613e-5 -9.9422e-8 * Tc +2.08919e-9 * pow(Tc, 2) - 1.39872e-11 * pow(Tc, 3)) * pow(S, 0.5) + 2 * (-2.31065e-6 - 1.37674e-9 * Tc -1.93316e-11 * pow(Tc, 2)) * S; /* density derivative of refractive index from PMH model */ double n_wat2; double base; n_wat2 = pow(nsw, 2); base = (nsw/3 - (1.0/3.0) / nsw); DFRI = (n_wat2 - 1) * (1 + (2.0/3.0) * (n_wat2 + 2) * pow(base, 2)) ; /* volume scattering at 90 degree due to the density fluctuation */ beta_df = M_PI * M_PI / 2 * pow(lambda*1e-9, -4) * Kbz * Tk * IsoComp * pow(DFRI,2) * (6 + 6*delta) / (6-7*delta); /* volume scattering at 90 degree due to the concentration fluctuation */ flu_con = S * M0 * pow(dnswds,2) / density / (-1 * dlnawds) / Na; beta_cf = 2 * M_PI * M_PI * pow(lambda*1e-9, -4) * pow(nsw, 2) * flu_con * (6 + 6 * delta) / (6 - 7 * delta); /* total volume scattering at 90 degree */ beta90sw = beta_df + beta_cf; bsw = 8 * M_PI / 3 * beta90sw * (2+delta) / (1+delta); return(bsw); }