The Ocean Productivity Site has stopped updating its data.
We hope to continue operations shortly.
Online Data: Growth Rate (from CbPM)
1080 by 2160 8day HDF files from SeaWiFS r2022 Data
note: all data updated 06.30.2023 using the new SeaWiFS.r2022 reprocessing results
note: all data updated 05.01.2017
using new single-source mld data
note: all data updated 05.23.2016 using the new SeaWiFS.r2014 and GSM v8 reprocessing results
To get these data,
please click on the file name(s) that you have selected
and save locally on your computer.
The individual hdf files are gzipped
(use gunzip to uncompress)
and the tar files contain gzipped hdf files.
growth = growth rate (units of divisions / day )
yyyy = year
ddd= day of year of the start of each 8day file
hdf = file type
gz = compressed with gzip (uncompress with gunzip)
The hdf files have metadata contained within them, which can be examined, for example, with program "ncdump".
clouds have been filled in the input data using our own gap-filling software.