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Other Data: LIDAR

Monthly mat files from Caliop Data

To get these data, please click on the file name(s) that you have selected and save locally on your computer. The tar files contain either day (D) or night (N) mat files for each month for the indicated year.

different format?

Data Selection

Annual Tar Files (Day)

bbp.2008.D.mat.tar • 2008 Day data: ~ 328 MB
bbp.2009.D.mat.tar • 2009 Day data: ~ 331 MB
bbp.2010.D.mat.tar • 2010 Day data: ~ 341 MB
bbp.2011.D.mat.tar • 2011 Day data: ~ 341 MB
bbp.2012.D.mat.tar • 2012 Day data: ~ 354 MB
bbp.2013.D.mat.tar • 2013 Day data: ~ 321 MB
bbp.2014.D.mat.tar • 2014 Day data: ~ 321 MB
bbp.2015.D.mat.tar • 2015 Day data: ~ 320 MB
bbp.2016.D.mat.tar • 2016 Day data: ~ 292 MB
bbp.2017.D.mat.tar • 2017 Day data: ~ 100 MB

Annual Tar Files (Night)

bbp.2008.N.mat.tar • 2008 Night data: ~ 318 MB
bbp.2009.N.mat.tar • 2009 Night data: ~ 258 MB
bbp.2010.N.mat.tar • 2010 Night data: ~ 243 MB
bbp.2011.N.mat.tar • 2011 Night data: ~ 253 MB
bbp.2012.N.mat.tar • 2012 Night data: ~ 281 MB
bbp.2013.N.mat.tar • 2013 Night data: ~ 245 MB
bbp.2014.N.mat.tar • 2014 Night data: ~ 251 MB
bbp.2015.N.mat.tar • 2015 Night data: ~ 248 MB
bbp.2016.N.mat.tar • 2016 Night data: ~ 223 MB
bbp.2017.N.mat.tar • 2017 Night data: ~ 79 MB

lidar mat file naming convention


lidar = particulate back scatter from lidar data
yyyy = year
mm = month of year
T = D (day) or N (night)
mat = matlab file type

each mat file contains these variables:

bbp = bbp (532nm) from lidar data
lat = lidar latitude
lon = lidar longitude
time = lidar profile time in matlab time format

For citation, please reference the Ocean Productivity site for the data.

These data were used in the Geophysical Research Letters paper by Bisson et al, 2021:

Geophysical Research Letters, 2021

KM Bisson, E Boss, PJ Wedell, A Ibrahim, MJ Behrenfeld

Particulate Backscattering in the Global Ocean: A Comparison of Independent Assessments

Last modified: 26 August 2024
by:  Robert O'Malley

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