Home NPP Products LIDAR Frequently Asked Questions
Site Map Land / Ocean Merge Field / Lab Data Highlights / Results

Please note:

The Ocean Productivity Site has stopped updating its data.
We hope to continue operations shortly.


Site Map

| ___ NPP Products
| online data
| | ___ online standard vgpm data (viirs)
| | ___ online eppley-vgpm data (viirs)
| | ___ online cbpm data (viirs)
| | growth
| | carbon
| | ___ online cafe data (viirs)
| |
| | ___ online standard vgpm data (modis)
| | ___ online eppley-vgpm data (modis)
| | ___ online cbpm data (modis)
| | growth
| | carbon
| | ___ online cafe data (modis)
| |
| | ___ online standard vgpm data (seawifs)
| | ___ online eppley-vgpm data (seawifs)
| | ___ online cbpm data (seawifs)
| | growth
| | carbon
| | ___ online cafe data (seawifs)
| |
| input data
| | ___ input chl (viirs)
| | ___ input sst (viirs)
| | ___ input par (viirs)
| | ___ input k490 (viirs)
| | ___ input bbp (viirs)
| | ___ input adg (viirs)
| | ___ input aph (viirs)
| | ___ input bbp_s (viirs)
| |
| | ___ input chl (modis)
| | ___ input sst (modis)
| | ___ input par (modis)
| | ___ input k490 (modis)
| | ___ input bbp (modis)
| | ___ input adg (modis)
| | ___ input aph (modis)
| | ___ input bbp_s (modis)
| |
| | ___ input chl (seawifs)
| | ___ input par (seawifs)
| | ___ input k490 (seawifs)
| | ___ input sst (quality 5-8) (avhrr)
| | ___ input bbp (seawifs)
| | ___ input adg (seawifs)
| | ___ input aph (seawifs)
| | ___ input bbp_s (seawifs)
| |
| | ___ input mld
| |
| visual comp
| | ___ annual comparison
| | ___ monthly comparison
| |
| descriptions :
| | ___ standard vgpm description
| | ___ eppley-vgpm description
| | ___ cbpm description
| |
| code :
| | ___ standard vgpm code
| | ___ eppley-vgpm code
| | ___ cbpm2 code
| | ___ cafe code
| ___ field data :
| fluorescence :
| | ___ readme
| | ___ location map
| | ___ online data
| carbon-14 :
| | ___ readme
| | ___ online data
| ___ land / ocean merge
| ___ highlights / results
| ___ frequently asked questions
| ___ references
| ___ site map

Last modified: 24 July 2024
by:  Toby Westberry

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