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Online Data: Land / Ocean NPP Merge

2160 by 4320 (9 km) Yearly HDF files using:

  • MODIS Terra MOD17A3 NPP (land)
  • SeaWiFS r2009.1 standard VGPM NPP (ocean)
  • To get these data, please click on the file name(s) that you have selected and save locally on your computer. The individual hdf files have been internally compressed using hrepack and do not need to be uncompressed before reading into other programs.

    Data Selection

    hdf file naming convention


    npp = net primary production (units of mg C / m**2 / day)
    yyyy = year
    hdf = file type

    files have not been compressed

    The hdf files have metadata contained within them, which can be examined, for example, with program "ncdump".

    terrestrial npp is based on the 0.05 degree aggregated improved Collection 5.1 annual MOD17A3 npp output from the Numerical Terradynamic Simulation Group (NTSG) at the University of Montana;
    oceanic npp is based on the standard vgpm, using seawifs chl, avhrr sst, and seawifs par as input;
    oceanic clouds have been filled in the input data using our own gap-filling software.

    For citation, please reference Zhao et al, 2005 for terrestrial npp information, the original vgpm paper by Behrenfeld and Falkowski, 1997a for the oceanic npp model, as well as the Ocean Productivity site for the data.

    Yearly Files

    year hdf files click to view image
      2000 npp.2000.hdf
      2001 npp.2001.hdf
      2002 npp.2002.hdf
      2003 npp.2003.hdf
      2004 npp.2004.hdf
      2005 npp.2005.hdf
      2006 npp.2006.hdf

    Last modified: 24 July 2024
    by:  Robert O'Malley

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