Please note:
The Ocean Productivity Site has stopped updating its data.
Other Data: LIDARMonthly netcdf files from Caliop DataTo get these data, please click on the file name(s) that you have selected and save locally on your computer. The tar files contain either day (D) or night (N) nc files for each month for the indicated year.
Data SelectionAnnual Tar Files (Day)
Annual Tar Files (Night)
lidar nc file naming conventionlidar_yyyy-mm_T.nclidar = particulate back scatter from lidar data yyyy = year mm = month of year T = D (day) or N (night) nc = netcdf-4 file type each nc file contains these variables: bbp = bbp (532nm) from lidar data lat = lidar latitude lon = lidar longitude year = year month = month day = day hour = hour minute = minute second = second For citation, please reference the Ocean Productivity site for the data. These data were used in the Geophysical Research Letters paper by Bisson et al, 2021:
Particulate Backscattering in the Global Ocean: A Comparison of Independent Assessments |