Please note:
The Ocean Productivity Site has stopped updating its data.
Input Data: 1080 by 2160 8dayYou may access the input data needed to generate the various 8day NPP hdf files from below. Determine which model you are interested in (either VGPM or CbPM) and select accordingly. Clicking on the variable name (eg, MLD) will take you to the Input Data page for those files. Note that these input data have been cloud-filled. VGPM: Standard and EppleyInput fields required are: chl, sst, and par. VIIRS chl basedMODIS chl basedSEAWIFS chl basedCbPMusing VIIRS derived products
using MODIS derived products
using SEAWIFS derived products
CAFEusing VIIRS derived (GIOP) products
using MODIS derived (GIOP) products
using SEAWIFS derived (GIOP) products