The Ocean Productivity Site has stopped updating its data.
We hope to continue operations shortly.
Online Data: Standard VGPM
1080 by 2160 8day XYZ files from MODIS R2022 Data
note: (08.19.2024) data updated back to the start of 2021 using the new MODIS.R2022.0.1 reprocessing results
note: data updated 03.20.2023 using the new MODIS.R2022 reprocessing results
note: data updated 02.20.2018 using the new MODIS.R2014 reprocessing results
note: data updated 08.05.2015 using the new MODIS.R2014 reprocessing results
all data files now based on modis chlor_a and 11-micron daytime SST values
note: data updated 11.18.2013 using the new MODIS.R2013.1 reprocessing results
data files starting with 2012209 are all new ... data before that are unchanged
note: all data updated 4.04.2013 using the new MODIS.R2013 reprocessing results
note: all data updated 6.15.2012 using the new MODIS.R2012 reprocessing results
note: all data updated 8.08.2011 using the new MODIS.R2010.0 (partial) reprocessing results
data files starting with 2008305 are all new ... data before that are unchanged
note: sst input data from 2010017 onward were reissued on Jan 21, 2011 2010 files were updated on this web page Jan 28, 2011
note: all data updated 5.25.2010 using the new MODIS.R2009.1 reprocessing results
To get these data,
please click on the file name(s) that you have selected
and save locally on your computer.
The individual xyz files are gzipped
(use gunzip to uncompress)
and the tar files contain gzipped xyz files.
vgpm = net primary production (units of mg C / m**2 / day) based on the standard vgpm algorithm
yyyy = year
ddd = day of year of the start of each 8day file
all = all pixels output, including those with no data (nodata = -9999)
xyz = text file, where x = longitude, y = latitude and z = npp value
gz = compressed with gzip (uncompress with gunzip)
note: The xyz files have a single header line,
indicating the order of the variables and the value of nodata.
vpgm is based on the standard vgpm, using modis chl, sst, and par as input;
clouds have been filled in the input data using our own gap-filling software.
These xyz data have been extracted from 1080 x 2160 global 8day grids,
and the locations given represent the center of each pixel.